Hi All! Did you have a great weekend? I hope so! Luke and I have been feeling kinda stressed (or cranky) so we decided to just take off for a little weekend getaway. We went to Kansas City, which is about three hours away from where we live. We mainly tried a few new restaurants and explored some new shops. I connected with the Coveted Home on Instagram awhile back so it was fun to actually go in their brick and mortar shop. I bought two new decor pieces from them and can't wait to share them. We hustled back to Springfield on Sunday afternoon to get prepared (or try to get prepared) for the asbestos abatement team that came in on Monday morning. We are having quite a bit of work done in the kitchen, dining, eat-in kitchen and master bathroom. I'll share more about this in another post. But, I thought I'd share another round of The Ugly Truths and specifically, The Ugly Truths - Dining Room Reno Zone.
The single thing I hear most from friends about the renovations that we're making is that they like or love what we are doing but it would drive them batty to live in a construction zone. They ask me how it doesn't drive me nuts or how I deal with it. Well, today, I'm sharing some recent pictures of our dining room and then I'll talk about that.
Remember when I shared our dining room update? If not, it looked like this:
Well, those pictures were accurate and are accurate BUT... over all that decor you see this:
The last few weeks have been especially hectic in the kitchen. The decor, tools, tile, and all the extras from the renovation just naturally move to the dining room; because it's right there. It's a hot mess and that's putting it lightly.
Just in case you were thinking that renovations can be clean or tidy - think again! They are messy and that's on a good day.
So, back to the earlier question that my friends always pose. Ashley, how do you live in a construction zone? Honestly, somedays it doesn't bother me and somedays it drives me nuts. I can take quite a bit because I know its only temporary and I'm going to end up with something amazing. BUT, when I reach my limit - there's no compromise. Luke knows this very well. When I've reached my tool, materials, crap everywhere limit... I'm a madwoman on a rampage. I don't care if I have to clean for an hour and then get it all back out in two days. That two days worth of no clutter, no reno stuff makes it all worth it.
How do you deal with renovations? Does all the extra stuff drive you nuts?
It drives me nuts sometimes too. This is what our basement looks like right now because we are painting it. Awesome that your are sharing the truth
Ashley Mayes
Yes, yes yes. Can't wait to see what color you went with down there.
it drives me batty!! for like a month the studio was a mess because one...the washer and dryer were not installed properly, so therefore, we had to order 2 new parts, and then they kept being delayed with delivery. and on top of that, it took forever to find someone who could help us install! I just chose to ignore the mess....
but most projects need to be done within 2 weeks, or I'm gonna go crazy. when we did floors on the second floor, we busted that out in a week. exhausted yes, but house was back to normal shortly thereafter!
Ashley Mayes
oh man, I totally feel you on ordering new parts and having to wait! That's so frustrating!! I'm so surprised that it was hard to find someone to install/fix. We are getting ready to order flooring, but I think I'm going to chicken out on the install! It would take us months!
I get that question a lot too. We are renovating a house top to bottom and DIYing so it's very slow. I've had my share of meltdowns, but for the most part, what keeps me going is a solid plan to fix it all and knowing that eventually it will all be nice. We are a couple of months away from having the main common living areas (kitchen/dining/living)wrapped up and I think after that the mess will be more isolated in one room at a time, which will hopefully make it easier.
Ashley Mayes
Anni, that's totally what keeps me sane as well. The end is worth it! 100% agree that if you can isolate it then it's much better. One room that you can close the door (preferably!).
Totally!!! I will be so excited and proud of a room, and then 2 days later it is filled with life. If not more reno stuff, then it is crap piling up like laundry. So annoying!
Ashley Mayes
Haha, yes! Piles of crap everywhere!! Seriously, the toys are never ending.
For me it's about what else I have going on. If I can focus JUST on renovations then I can live in a construction zone (since my mind is already there). But when work or life gets busy then I just want my home to be clean and relaxing. And love Coveted Home! Can't wait to see what you got.
Ashley Mayes
You are so right! It seems like when life gets busy then it makes the reno stuff that much harder. Coveted Home has the best stuff! Plus they are getting ready to open a large flea section underneath their main store. Lots and lots of amazing thrifted things. Can't wait to visit them in person again.
im embarking on my first reno as you know (thanks for the flooring thoughts!!), and it's definitely unsettling. I want to be done already, but we have a long way to go. But then I remember that I like the process too, and that helps!
Ashley Mayes
Great attitude! Just keep telling yourself that it will look amazing when you're done!