Have you been given family heirlooms? How have you decorated with them? Do you struggle to decorate with them? Sharing tips today for how to do i!
Family heirlooms, from furniture to small decor items… how to use them in your home and decor? Sometimes these pieces are so special and beautiful to us but other times it’s hard to fit them into your style.
We share our personal experiences with heirlooms and antiques, really fun unique ideas for what to do with them, art ideas, plus our favorite tips from our Facebook group on when to keep vs. when to get rid of. (You guys are so wise!)
Before you jump in to the podcast, I did want to mention that I adore this idea of turning an antique dresser into a vanity! It's just another idea for your family heirlooms.
Family Heirlooms Sources Mentioned:
- Our Facebook group conversation on heirlooms
- DIY unique treasures in shadow boxes
- Wall Street Journal article on working inherited furniture into your decor
- Antique vs. vintage vs. retro
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