Luke and I are huge on traveling (like it's our favorite thing to do together) and we make it a priority. It helps that Luke works for Expedia, but before he even started there the travel bug bit us... hard. Now, that we have a little one, we try to do a family vacation each year and also a vacation with just Luke and I. Greyson loves looking at our travel hallway (see our Modern Travel Gallery Hallway reveal for inspiration) and so I thought he would really love getting ornaments out each year that had a memento from our vacations. That's how this DIY Travel Keepsake Ornament came to be.
Travel Keepsake Ornament
The sand was from our family vacation last year, but now that I have this idea in my head I'm going to be looking out for things that can fit in glass ornaments during our future vacations.
Basically, to do this, I filled a clear glass ornament with sand and then made the tags.
I used this punch and paper for the tags:
If you don't have a punch you could print one off and then cut it out.
I strung the tags on a piece of twine.
I didn't like the twine and the metal top of the ornament together, so I just covered the top of the ornament with twine.
Easy peasy and pretty cute if I do say so myself.
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Linda @ It All Started With Paint
This is one of my favorite ornament ideas!!! And love how you used the jute on the top too! And now I, too, will be searching for tiny things to fit in a glass ball on my next vacation!
🙂 Linda
Ashley Mayes
Thanks Linda! I think the jute really made it.