I started making a floor plan of our house in Floor Planner. The thought is that I could visually see where we are right now and where the house could be in the future. I have a little notebook (yes, hand-written) were I have some of these thoughts and dreams, but I thought it would be fun to commit them to the blog with potential inspirational sources. So, hence, the title. Slowly by slowly, I will share more of our house and more of our house dreams.
So, let's talk about the Front Porch.
I don't have any up-close pictures of it before we started doing anything, but basically it was a clean canvas.
We added a DIY Painted rug, an updated bench and some pots. Since then, I've been on the lookout for topiaries. I went to a few different nurseries in town and was told by all of them that, because of our overhang, the tree coverage in our yard and the way our house faces, real boxwood topiaries were not going to grow. So, after that, I started looking for fake topiaries. Man, those things are pricey. I saw them a few times for about $80 a piece, but never pulled the trigger.
Last week, I stopped in at the Goodwill and found two matching topiaries. $10 each. I couldn't believe it. I scooped them up and ran to the register (you think I'm kidding, but I'm totally not!).
I decided to spray the pots white to see if that would help with the cohesiveness of the space. The mix of styles aren't working for me, but it's better than not having anything on the porch at all. =)
This is where we are now:
In the future, we will:
- Update topiary pots to something modern (Concrete DIY?)
-Add a succulent wall feature instead of the wreath
-Take storm doors off
-Cut hardwood doors to put in a clear rectangle glass frame (would let much needed light in to the entry way)
-Replace light fixtures (or make them less gothic looking - possibly replace tinted glass with clear glass)
So, there you have it. Past, present and future.
Yvonne @ Sunnyside Up-Stairs
I am looking forward to seeing your personal touch grace this space. It's off to a great beginning, so I'm sure it will be fantastic in future. =D
Julia @[email protected]
I love topiaries and can't believe you found a matching pair.
Can't wait so see all your changes. Have a great weekend.