I've had a list of encouraging words and phrases for kids up in my pantry for a long time. Recently, I decided that I needed to create my own printable for encouraging kids that was specifically geared towards school-aged kids. I encourage you to step outside the box of saying "good job" and print this list of words of encouragement for kids.
I'm a big fan of sticky notes. I use them at my computer all the time. I've used them in the past, off and on, as a reminder for something. There's just something powerful about being reminded about something daily by reading it.
A few months ago, I was sharing our small pantry organization on Instagram and someone messaged me about the printable that I had taped up. The paper that I had taped up was about ways to encourage a child. It was mainly geared towards younger children and I've gotten rid of it since then.
The concept of taping a piece of paper for a reminder though has stuck with me for years and I realized that I need to remind myself to encourage Greyson with different types of positive words and phrases. So, I started keeping a list of encouraging words and phrases that I used, that Luke used, that the school used and decided to put them together in a free printable for you.
Like I mentioned earlier, I'm used to keeping this sort of printable in my pantry but you could keep it in your medicine cabinet, on your wall, or your desk. You just want to keep the list of encouraging words and phrases handy. The goal is that, by seeing the list, you are reminded to actually use it!
Words of Encouragement for Kids
We can get stuck with praising our children using the same words. We get caught up with encouraging them over the same types of actions as well. There's nothing wrong with either of those, but I do think, with a little thought and effort, we can enrich our children's lives differently and maybe more by using different phrases and words for encouragement.
Click to Download this Free Printable to Encourage a Child
If these words don't resonate with you, then just ask yourself the following question:
What can I say to encourage my child?
Use my list to jumpstart a list of phrases and words that will work for you and your family. Start writing them down in a journal or keep them in your notes app on your phone. When you get enough of them, print them out and hang them somewhere where you'll see them everyday. It's as easy as that.
I'm so glad that positive parenting has come to the forefront when it comes to words of affirmation for young children. I grew up in a loving family when my parents gave me positive words every day. Many of my friends didn't. As a result in our later years many of them lack confidence and are reserved and quiet. The words we use with children can make or break them. We need to be sure that we do everything to lift them up..