When you buy a marble slab for a project, did you know that you can use the marble remnants for other decor and projects? Let me share how I had custom cut marble pieces made so I used every single scrap of stone that I had.
When I was shopping for our basement bar countertop, I couldn't find any remnants that I liked for the stone top. So, I ended up buying a whole slab of Calacatta Viola Marble (the slab was $4,688). The slab size was just over 57 square feet but I only needed around 25 square feet for the countertop.

When the basement bar install was done, I had quite a bit of leftover marble that was available.
I knew I didn't want the marble remnant to go to waste, so I decided to have two marble tabletop rounds cut as well as a few marble platters, and marble plant stands cut.
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Marble Remnants : Cool Ideas for Custom Cut Marble Pieces
Apparently, cutting stone remnants into a bunch of rounds is a bit tedious as well as labor intensive. I paid $620 for the labor and got two marble table tops, 4 miscellaneous sized (I told them to do what they could with the marble scrap sizes we had) round plant stands and two decent sized marble platters.
Scrap countertop remnant to table top
I found the size of table base that would work for my space with the remaining countertop remnant width I had available and just went for it. I love how the marble adds interest to my living room.
Small marble round plant stands or art
You can see the marble round underneath the plant and dish brush on the right. It's not as noticeable in our kitchen against our granite countertop, but I do like the added height it gives. I have two other round scrap marble pieces scattered throughout my house with plants on them; basically using them in a similar way.
I had the idea to use one of the marble round scraps as art. It took a bit of trial and error to figure out how to hang the piece because it's awkward and a bit heavy. I ended up using a cool plate stand that I found on Etsy and a few command strips for extra security.
Since I had already paid for the marble, I wanted to use it. Sometimes, a stone supplier will let you buy just what you need for projects but the stone I selected was special order stone, so I had to buy a whole slab. My options for the leftover marble was to leave it at the supplier for them to use, have them bring the slab to my house and let it sit in the garage, or find a way to use it. I guess I could have potentially sold it on Facebook Marketplace or something but Ioved the stone so thought I might as well use it.
If you have kitchen countertop offcuts or marble pieces, definitely consider using them in some of these ways.
p.s. This isn't our first time thinking outside the box with countertops. We kept the original footprint of our kitchen but got rid of the built-in kitchen desk (that had granite on top). We planned two more kitchen cabinets based on that desk granite piece so that we could save LOTS of money by keeping our original countertops. See the kitchen reveal for all the details!
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